Breeder Services

This list of services is not exhaustive so please ask if you have questions that aren’t addressed here..

Semen Analysis

You want to use your dog at stud. The first place to start, after health testing, is to have his semen checked under a microscope. Book an appointment with us and we can analyse the sample for viable semen. Full semen count reports can be done upon request.

The charge is a one-off fee of £60 regardless of whether you need to return more than once until he is comfortable enough to provide a sample.

Semen Enhancement

Tired semen can be enhanced by using a product specifically produced for Artificial Insemination. If your stud dogs semen quality isn’t at optimum strength the semen enhancer will give it the boost it needs.

Cytology Ovulation Testing

The simplest, least invasive, most economical diagnostic tool for determining the stage of the estrous cycle in a bitch is the examination of the bitch's vaginal cytology.

By taking a swab from inside the vagina and viewing it under a microscope we can identify the cornification of cells inducing ovulation and, ultimately, determine the correct time to mate.

The cost is a one-off fee of £50 this covers as many tests as are needed.

Some breeds can retain blood during their heat cycles. This makes it difficult to know what day of heat she is actually on. Often, owners will bring their Bull breed for cytology on “day 8” only to find she is further on and has missed altogether!

So just a heads up if you are planning to breed your bitch.. if you’re not sure then test early.

Ultrasound Scanning

To find out if your bitches mating was a success book an ultrasound scan from 28 days after her last & final mating. A scan will determine pregnancy and sometimes we can give an idea of how many puppies she is carrying. It’s a non invasive procedure that’s often a pleasant experience for the Bitch.

Cost £50

Litter Microchipping

Microchipping is a simple, safe and quick procedure which makes reuniting dogs with their owners more likely. A microchip is the size of a grain of rice. They can be implanted from 6 weeks of age and last a lifetime time.

Cost £12 per microchip

Semen Chilling & Shipment

Most Semen can be chilled & sent almost anywhere in the world.

Cost £150